Northern Irish Slang with Jamie Dornan

Hello everyone!

As you already know, we are working with a series of slangs from different countries and today we have selected some directly from Ireland. Vanity Fair, who has very nice videos with big personalities presenting us the slangs of their home country, is helping us to present these slangs once again. This time, the personality chosen to talk about slangs was Jamie Dornan, the main actor from Fifty Shades of Grey franchise.  Ireland is a wide country with a wide culture, as you may know, so Dornan is focused on the slangs from Northern Irish, which is the part of Ireland that belongs to United Kingdom.

  • Craic: it is used to ask how someone is doing or what they are up to – “Hey, what is the craic?”
  • Boy’s a dear: it is what you use when you receive a shocking news, it has many functions actually, it is the same as “oh my goodness”.
  • Kex: is the word they use to talk about underwear.
  • Wee: this slang is also used on Scotland, it is to talk about something that is little, but sometimes the thing will have an average size and they will still call it a wee, it can be used for objects or people.
  • Steamin: this is the equivalent for drunk.
  • “Any more of this and there’ll be less of it”: this is and Irish saying mostly used with stubborn people and it means “Stop or you will get what is coming to you”, it must be really used by parents who are disciplining their children.
  • Bout ye?: similar to “What’s the craic?”, this expression is used to ask how is someone, the famous “How you doing” we commonly hear in America.
  • Jammie: you might remember to see a similar slang in our British post, well your mind does not fail you. Although it has a different writing, jammie still means lucky, as you may recall this is a Northern Irish slang and North Ireland does belong to the United Kingdom, as does Britain.
  • Yaarn: it is a synonymous for tale or story.
  • Dead-on: this term is used to describe someone who is alright and doesn’t annoy you.
  • Pull: it is used to describe a successful attempt to kiss someone.
  • Faffin: this is the word they use to express when someone is taking their sweet time to do something. For instance, if you want to leave the house because you have an arrangement, but your mom start to find things to do instead of leaving – “What you faffin about?” may be seen as “Why are you taking so long?”
  • Buck eejit: this unusual spelling word is used to call someone an idiot or annoying.
  • Yoke: you use it to describe something you do not know the word for it or you do not recall it at the moment. 

That was it for this week, guys! Hope you enjoyed the content, let us know your opinion and if you were familiar with any of these slangs.


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